Saturday, May 23, 2009


I want to know
what gives her the right
to pass judgment on everyone else
to wish ill on everyone else
after complaining
when they did the same
to her.

I want to know
what gives her the right
to start caring about everyone else
only after they
have stopped caring about her.

and then to blame them
for that?
she doesn’t deserve

Thursday, May 14, 2009

power red

Right now my hair has this gorgeous, thick, earthy smell, which somehow doesn’t go away when I wash it, but instead intensifies. I suppose I have the henna to thank for it- although I don’t know whether it’s the henna or what is added to it. I think the best thing about it, though, is the fact that it’s a little reminder of the red every time I breathe in.
It’s a reminder that I did it, that I went through with it, and that my hair is now a bold, couldn’t-care-less red with a capital R. It’s as though my personality, normally hidden in a little corner of me has come exploding out of my head. I mean, I was always red before, but this is a different kind of red. Instead of being my old, natural, almost-brown red, this is power red. This is red I can draw on, red I can cry on, red I can depend on. This is red I can smell.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

exit sign

I hate to say it,
but now-
right now-
I think if you
showed me
a door

i’d take it.